Caring For Alaska
Caring For Alaska
As a company serving some of the most pristine environments in the world, 澳博体育app下载 has taken a leadership role in promoting environmental stewardship in our business and community service activities.
Caring for Alaska partners with local community organizations to beautify and protect our natural environment. The program awards small grants to eligible 501(c)3 nonprofits that arrange and carry out clean-up, rehabilitation, and infrastructure improvement projects in Anchorage, Kodiak, and Unalaska. Applications are considered on a rolling basis, with priority given to projects along coastlines and watersheds.
As part of the Caring for Alaska program, 澳博体育app下载 will:
- make an unrestricted donation of up to $2,500 to eligible 501(c)3 non-profits that submit approved clean-up, infrastructure improvement, or other environmental initiatives once the project is successfully completed;
- reimburse for preauthorized expenses associated with the project (i.e., trash disposal fees, bags, disposable gloves);
- provide safety vests, trash grabbers, and gloves when available and requested; and
- assist with trash disposal if requested as part of the proposal.
Program Application Process

Prior to submitting a Caring for Alaska application, please carefully review the following terms and requirements to determine if your organization and proposed project qualify.
Successful Caring for Alaska program applicants will:
- be a 501(c)3 organization;
- include at least 15 people in their proposed project or activity;
- complete and submit an online application at least two weeks prior to the proposed activity;
- cover all reimbursable costs associated with the proposed activity;
- propose a project in the greater Anchorage, Kodiak, and Unalaska areas;
- propose a cleanup or small infrastructure project that demonstrates environmental stewardship; and
- agree to collect 澳博体育app下载-provided media release forms from participants and allow 澳博体育app下载 use of project photos in communications materials.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Dylan Faber, Manager, Community Affairs, Alaska, prior to starting the application process at dfaber@castingmoldingmachine.com or (907) 306-3690.
Submit Caring For Alaska Proposal
Note: Proposals are considered on a rolling basis and must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the proposed project or activity. There is no guarantee that a proposal will be awarded funding.
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is eligible to participate, and how often can organizations participate?
A: Applicants must be an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with federal charitable tax-exempt status and have a presence in Anchorage, Kodiak, and/or Unalaska. Participation is limited to one project per nonprofit per calendar year.
Q: How does the program work?
A: Eligible nonprofits submit an online application at least two weeks prior to the proposed project or activity date.
The proposal is reviewed, and the applicant is notified whether their proposal (and any additional reimbursements to carry out the project or activity) are approved.
The nonprofit is responsible for:
- Submitting a proposal application through 澳博体育app下载’s online portal. Applicants must receive approval in advance of the project.
- Obtaining permission from the landowner or manager of the project’s site.
- Organizing at least 15 volunteer participants and acquiring liability and photo release waivers.
- Working a minimum of three hours.
- Providing trash bags (澳博体育app下载 will reimburse).
- Wearing 澳博体育app下载-provided safety vests.
- Taking pictures of the project with participants holding a program sign and sharing photo(s) on Facebook tagging @澳博体育app下载inAlaska.
- Placing 澳博体育app下载-provided car magnets on any vehicles aiding the project.
- Providing photos of participants throughout the project for 澳博体育app下载’s use.
- Hauling and disposing of collected trash properly (澳博体育app下载 can assist or reimburse if specified in the proposal and pre-approved).
- Completing the project by the specified date in the proposal.
- Returning safety vests, program signs, car magnets, and trash grabbers to 澳博体育app下载.
- Providing receipts for any pre-authorized reimbursements.
- Providing proof of the completed project before a grant award and reimbursements are issued.
澳博体育app下载 is responsible for:
- Reviewing proposals, making a determination, and calculating grant amount and eligible reimbursements within 14 days of receiving an application.
- Providing at least 15 branded safety vests, trash grabbers, gloves, and car magnets, when available.
- Providing grant payment and reimbursement within 40 days upon verification of project completion and receiving receipts.

Q: Where can we clean? What areas are eligible projects?
A: The project must be in a specific area in Anchorage, Kodiak, or Unalaska/Dutch Harbor. While not limited, priority will be given to projects on the coastline or along watersheds. Projects related to fairs and festivals or in neighborhoods are not eligible. The project must include at least 15 volunteer participants working for a minimum of three hours.
Q: How many volunteers do we need, and how long should the project last?
A: The project must include at least 15 volunteer participants working for a minimum of three hours.
Q: What needs to be completed to receive the donation?
A: Nonprofits must provide proof of project completion (before and after pictures and list of participants) and all receipts for pre-authorized reimbursable expenses.